Monday 25 January 2016

The 'Winter Body' Season: How Lingonberry Powder Can Help You

'I'm not fat, nor do I have diabetes, so why do I need it?'

Yes, Lingonberries have been proven to be the best berries for weight management; but there are so many other reasons to supplement your diet with them. We know that everybody likes to see results, so for the purpose of this piece we're gonna list some of the improvements you may notice fairly soon after you start to supplement your diet with Lingonberry Powder.

These are all genuine improvements that our customers have written in and told us about, with the rough time frames they have begun to notice the changes.

Harder better quality nails within 1 month

The first thing you may notice when supplementing our Lingonberry Powder, is that your nails will become less brittle, with healthier beds and colour. This improvement is down to the caffeic acid content within our berries. Caffeic acid is absent from the blueberry and only a trace can be found in the acai berry; but our Lingonberries have it in abundance. It is the major compound found in argan oil, which is found in hair and beauty products right across the globe.

Less stiffness in joints and muscles in 1 - 2 months

You know those mornings when you roll out of bed and your body feels like it isn't gonna get going at all? Yes, they're horrible! However, we have now had several customers that have noticed huge reductions in morning stiffness within their joints and muscles. Many of them are also experiencing a much greater range of movement throughout their everyday lives.

There are any number of compounds within Lingonberries that may have aided this improvement. The most likely being the high concentration of anti-inflammatory compound, quercetin, that Lingonberries contain. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are great for the joints.

Leaner muscle and more definition in 2 - 3 months

Those of you that are regular gym goers will appreciate the peaks and troughs that occur in your progress over time. You may notice significant gains over the space of a month, then this might subside and your body plateaus, with no noticeable improvements for what feels like an eternity. There are of course lots of products on the market designed to get you through these transitional periods more quickly. Do they work? Yes, some of them do!

Although we have never suggested that our Lingonberry Powder is specifically a sports supplement, it seems that it might be very effective for plateau breakthrough. We have have had reports back from people who claim they are noticing their muscles becoming much more defined and that their rate of recovery has improved, allowing them to train more effectively.

The plateau breakthrough power of our Lingonberries can be contributed to an important antioxidant called Cyanidin-3-glucoside, or C3G for short. This compound decreases sugar levels whilst enabling protein synthesis, so it is excellent for building lean muscle. 

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Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Winter Body Season: Is Your Diet Climate Appropriate? Part III

We now understand more about what is meant by a 'climate appropriate' diet. In our final piece we'd like to give you a few tips on how you can maximise the amount of nutrition you take from your food, without compromising on choice and taste.

Our generation is lucky: globalisation has allowed us to try a vast array of fruit and vegetables from around the world, in a way that people who came before us simply could not. However, this amazing choice we are now accustomed to comes at a price; since it is no longer considered a luxury: it is an expectation. A lot of the fresh produce we eat comes from so far away, it is often picked a long time before it reaches us, and many of the nutrients have diminished. Also, to meet our growing demand, fruit and vegetables are often forced to grow out of season, meaning that they will not only be lacking in nutrition, but will not taste as good.

Local sourcing

Try and eat fruit and vegetables that are in season and sourced locally. This may take slightly more effort than going to the supermarket, but it is worth it. The produce that grows in your local area is quite often cheaper and is designed for you to eat at that time. Think hunter-gatherer: in the absence of a supermarket, this would be the only food available to you.

If you are looking for fresh produce that doesn't grow in your area; look for stuff that grows on a similar latitude to the place you live. This food would most likely grow comfortably in your area if it was introduced, so it is used to similar conditions to you.

Supplement Wisely

In this series of posts we have been talking about getting the highest levels of nutrients from food. This also applies to supplements. If you are from the northern hemisphere, why would you supplement your diet with a berry from the tropical rainforest instead of a berry that grows in the same conditions that your body is attuned to?

For any more information or links to research on maximising nutrition through climate appropriate food, please contact us through our website at Some Good

Is Your Diet Climate Appropriate: Part I

Is Your Diet Climate Appropriate: Part II