Friday 18 December 2015

The 'Winter Body' Season: Power up your Christmas condiments

We hope you are looking forward to some festive fun next week. Since we are getting into the Christmas spirit, we thought we'd share a quick recipe with you; so you can add some serious nutrition to your Cranberry Sauce ...

Ingredients: Serves 8

  • 100g light muscovado sugar (or about 80 grams of honey if you wanna go paleo)
  • 100ml orange juice, fresh or from a carton
  • 250g pack fresh or frozen cranberries
  • A tablespoon of orange zest 
  • A tablespoon of Some Good Lingonberry  Powder


  • Pour 3/4 of the orange juice in pan and add the sugar or honey
  • Dissolve the sugar or honey on a medium heat
  • Add the cranberries and the orange zest, and leave to cook for about 5 minutes (a bit longer if they were frozen), occasionally stirring

  • Put the rest of the orange juice into a jug and add the Lingonberry Powder 
  • Whisk until the Lingonberry Powder is dissolved

  • Take the cranberry mixture off the heat and allow to cool slightly, before adding the Lingonberry Powder and orange juice mixture (this will retain more of the micronutrients in the Lingonberry Powder)
  • Stir in the Lingonberry Powder and orange juice mixture and then allow to cool completely
  • Once cool, the sauce will thicken up 

  • Keep refrigerated in an air tight container until ready to serve (should keep for up to 7 days)

If you are out of Lingonberry Powder, come and pick some up from us at Some Good

From all of us at Some Good ... Have a very Merry Christmas

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