Friday 8 July 2016

Nature knows best!

There is no doubt that in our unrelenting quest to stay healthy, a lot of us are becoming very confused! It seems like the advice and information we receive changes from one week to the next. Switch on BBC1 and they tell you one thing, and then Channel 4 says completely the opposite the following day. You head to Holland & Barrett on Saturday morning to buy vitamins, only to read a health magazine on Monday afternoon, telling you that without a doubt, supplementing your diet with anything but curly kale is gonna land you in some serious difficulty!

It's time to get real. Worrying too much about your health is, well ... unhealthy! You'd have to be pretty unlucky if the vitamins you just bought kill you, and many people lead wholesome, happy and healthy lives, having never even seen curly kale.

Frustrating as it may be, there are some people who seem to maintain a healthy weight, have plenty of energy, and rarely get ill, no matter what they eat or don't eat. However, many of us are not so lucky, and can benefit hugely from supplementing our diets. At Some Good, we believe in natural health. By design, everything we need to survive comfortably already occurs in nature, and it is just a case of finding the right balance for you.

Why are natural supplements better?

It might be better to start by explaining what the difference is between a natural and a synthetic supplement. Natural supplements are derived directly from plant or animal matter, whereas synthetic supplements are made from chemicals and are designed simply to behave in a similar way to the ones found in nature.

The major problem with synthetic supplements, is actually down to how amazing our bodies are at spotting fakes! Naturally occurring proteins and vitamins come in little teams, with other vitamins, enzymes and minerals, that control the way the body recognizes, metabolizes and uses them to make what it needs. Synthetic supplements don't come with any team mates, so the body often doesn't recognise them as nutrients, meaning that their absorption levels are low, or sometimes non-existent.

Think about it like this ... What happens when a cog is missing from a machine? Natural supplements have all the cogs your body needs to make the nutrients work, all in one neat package!

In some cases, synthetic supplements can even lead to mineral deficiencies, that can result in a wide range of problems, from headaches to insomnia. This is because they don't carry the trace minerals to make them work, so our bodies end up using their own mineral reserve in an attempt not to waste the vitamins that are present.

Don't be fooled ... Vitamin supplements can be labeled as natural if they contain as little as 10% of the natural form of the vitamin!

Whether you are an elite athlete, someone looking to put on a few kilo's of lean muscle, or simply trying to boost you immune system: you can get all the nutrition you need from nature ...

Look out for our new Organic Pea Protein, available next month. It is made with organic split peas, that are naturally high in protein, fibre and branched-chain amino acids (remember the cogs) ... Each tablespoon contains 8 grams of protein, so it really is the best plant based protein source around!


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