Saturday 12 September 2015

Resveratrol: Will the sceptics finally be silenced?

After years of speculation around the compound resveratrol, studies at Lancaster University have concluded that humans can absorb it into the blood stream and it can enter the brain, where it reduces inflammation and stops the breakdown in mental function. Experts now believe that resveratrol could stop dementia in its tracks. Read more ...

So, does this mean resveratrol is capable of doing all of the other things that we have heard? Will it help to increase aerobic performance? Does it reduce the risk of heart attack?

We think so: there have been many experiments conducted in test tubes that have shown resveratrol to be effective. It was the sceptics that continually pointed out that these tests have never been conducted in the human body and they who questioned our ability to absorb it. Surely these results will put an end to this scepticism?

Remember, resveratrol is not only found in wine, or grapes for that matter ... Visit Some Good

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