Tuesday 1 September 2015

What is a winter body?

‘Winter is coming…’ Jon Snow, Game of Thrones

Jon Snow is correct, Winter IS coming!! We’ve spent the summer preparing for the few days of sun where we can whip our tops off and don our bikinis, and hope desperately that they fall on a weekend or bank holiday!

But what is a Summer Body? The phrase itself is narrow: do we only want a body for Summer? In the UK that’s arguably only 2-3 days, and additionally the methods and techniques used to acquire such a body have been found to be at times unhealthy and at worst fraudulent.

Here at Some Good we want to take a fresh angle on health. We understand that health for many people is epitomised by an external silhouette, and we agree that feeling confident is important. However there is more to a healthy body than weight management. We’ve defined what we call a Winter Body. We believe this is being healthy in body and mind, whilst looking and feeling great, all year long.

Learn to think inside out

Getting all your organs working efficiently is the key to looking and feeling good. Eating foods with a anti-inflammatory effect will help you keep your liver in great shape, which in turn means healthier blood and a healthier heart. Often people that appear over weight also carry lot of internal fat, called visceral fat. This is stored in the belly and collects around the organs, reducing their effectiveness. If important organs such as the liver are not working properly, your body then struggles to process sugars, which many top scientists believe is the major contributing factor in obesity.

Having a healthy mind usually goes in hand in hand with having a healthy body. Exercise is not just great for losing weight: it releases chemicals in your brain that will make you feel happier. Exercising doesn't just mean going to the gym or running a marathon. If you are struggling for confidence just try and take 10 minutes out of your day to do some light exercise around your house. Try and eat foods that contain high levels of amino acids. They are great for improving your brain function and will also help your muscles recover after exercise.

When you eat foods containing the right nutrients and take regular light exercise, your body will begin to function better. When your body is working well on the inside, you will very quickly start to look and feel better!    

How can Some Good Lingonberries help?

Lingonberries contain high amounts of the antioxidants you need to help you achieve all around health. Quercetin is an antixodant that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and lingonberries have this in abundance. They also contain 22 amino acids; more than any other berry.

Where do our Lingonberries come from?

 Some Good lingonberries grow wild in the Great Khingan mountain region of China. We pick and then dry them gently, so none of their important properties are damaged. They are then crushed, tested and packed, before being distributed ethically around the globe, where we hope they will do Some Good ...

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