Tuesday 6 October 2015

The 'Winter Body' Season: Protect your hair, skin and nails

There is no doubt that winter can take its toll on your hair, skin and nails. We become more susceptible to illnesses such as cold and flu, that can often result in chapped lips, dull hair, and dry skin. Our 'Winter Body' season is about taking positive steps to look, feel and think better, all year round: so we don't want to let the colder weather get the better of us.

Here are some tips to keep your hair, skin and nails in top condition this winter:

Drink more water
Although you may feel less thirsty than you do in the warmer months, your body still needs as much water. Far more people get dehydrated in the winter because they simply don't drink enough. Remember to think inside out ... If your body has no moisture inside, how can you expect to have beautifully soft skin on the outside?

Treat your hair

Consider pretreating your hair with oil to retain more moisture. If you are prone to dry hair, you should also think about using a deep-conditioning mask once a week: apply it to damp strands and then wrap in plastic. Try to avoid the use of dry shampoo during the colder months, as this removes essential oils from the hair.

Eat foods containing caffeic acid

Caffeic acid is an antioxidant that is fantastic for the immune system, so it will help you keep cold and flu at bay. It is one of the key components argan oil, which is amazing for the condition of hair and skin, and can be found in beauty products all over the globe. Foods high in caffeic acid include the herbs: spearmint, thyme and sage. You can also find it in sunflower seeds and lingonberries.

The socks and gloves trick

Moisturize your hands and feet thoroughly and put on some gloves and socks on for bed. In the morning your skin will feel totally rejuvenated; plump and soft.

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