Thursday 1 October 2015

The 'Winter Body' Season: Change just one thing and feel better

So, our winter body campaign has begun. Over the next 4 months we will be bringing you loads of healthy winter recipes and tips to help you stay in top form, not only this winter, but all year round. During this period we would like you to make a change in just one area of your life, that will help you improve your overall health.

Remember, a winter body isn't just about an external silhouette, so the change you make doesn't have to involve cutting something out of your diet or doing 300 sit ups every few hours: if you think your health will be improved by taking 30 minutes out of your day twice a week, just to relax in the bath with a book, then this is what you should choose!

The only goal you need reach by the end of this four month period is to feel better than you do now … Not a bad thing to aim for!

Some Good tips: If your decide to choose a weight loss goal as your improvement, please try and concentrate more on losing fat instead of actual weight on the scale. Your weight constantly fluctuates, so checking yourself on the scales every day will only lead to confusion or potentially negative feelings.

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