Monday 5 October 2015

The 'Winter Body' Season: Why should you supplement your diet with anti-inflammatories?

Everyone has heard the term, anti-inflammatory; but what does it mean? When most people hear it they think of pain relieving drugs such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin, that work by reducing the swelling and inflammation caused by injury, such as a bump to the head. However, there is another kind of inflammation that can occur in the body. It is called cellular inflammation, and happens over an extended period of time, leading to tissue damage that causes pain in your joints and makes your blood vessels less efficient. When your blood vessels are not functioning properly, the rate at which you can process glucose is impeded, meaning you are more likely to become overweight, and in extreme cases leads to diabetes or heart disease.

Inflammation within our bodies is becoming a huge problem and it is pretty much all because of our diet. Our bodies consider very starchy foods, and processed foods, high in trans fats, as toxic. When we eat this type of food, our bodies put up a defense system that causes inflammation.

Lately, many people are talking about foods having anti-inflammatory properties. These are foods that contain high levels of compounds that fight inflammation within the body. People that eat foods rich in these anti-inflammatory compounds tend to be of a healthy weight and are at a much lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

There is no doubt that an anti-inflammatory diet is the key to losing weight and achieving optimum health. You will find yourself less bloated, you will have far more energy, and you will even feel an improvement in your mental ability.

Some Good tips: Consider eating more oily fish, such as Salmon or Mackerel. If you are overweight or suffer from high blood pressure, taking a couple of spoonfuls of Some Good Lingonberry Powder everyday could really help you. It contains very high levels of an antioxidant called Quercetin, which is considered to be one of the best compounds for reducing inflammation.

Check out our top five anti-inflammatory foods

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