Thursday 1 October 2015

The 'Winter Body' Season: Power Porridge

The ultimate way to start your day

Ingredients: Serves 1
  • 50 grams rolled porridge oats
  • 350ml of milk or dairy free alternative
  • 1 pear
  • 1 kiwi fruit
  • 2 tspns of Some Good Lingonberry Powder
  • Half a tspn of cinnamon
  • Small piece of root ginger
  • Quarter of a lemon 
  • Squirt of honey


Peel the pear, kiwi and ginger piece

Cut pear into pieces and kiwi fruit into slices.

Heat the oats and the milk in a pan over the hob,
stirring regularly.

Whilst heating, grate the ginger into the pan,
along with half the cinnamon and half the lingonberry

After five minutes the porridge will be ready, so transfer to a bowl, place the kiwi and pear on the top. Squirt some lemon juice on top and grate in the zest, then sprinkle the remaining cinnamon and lingonberry powder through a sift and finish with a squirt of honey.

This breakfast is packed with anti-inflammatories and will keep hunger at bay for hours. You can of course swap the kiwi and the pear for whatever fruits you like, but make sure you keep the ginger, lemon, lingonberry powder and cinnamon in the recipe. Enjoy!



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