Tuesday 27 September 2016

Lingonberry, the New Super Fruit

Lingonberry or Vaccinium vitis-idaea, is a very popular berry in Scandinavia, Finland and Russia. This type of berry is known by many different names all around the world, like foxberry, cougar berry, mountain cranberry, cowberry an even beaverberry. This is one amazing super berry that has a long list of health benefits and a very unique taste to match.
The lingonberry is a short evergreen shrub that holds edible fruit, native to boreal forests, the Arctic tundra, and the Northern Hemisphere. These berries are picked in the wild and are a part of a variety of dishes in Scandinavian cuisine.
What Is In Those Lingonberries?

Lingonberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, several types of vitamin B and minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. As you might be aware, adults need 40mg of vitamin C every day, and 100g of lingonberries contain over 10mg of vitamin C, which makes them a great source for reaching your daily dose.
Lingonberries are also packed with the important folic acid which has several significant functions in the body; for instance, working together with vitamin B12 in forming healthy red blood cells and reducing the risk of central nervous system defects with unborn babies.
This new super fruit is also rich in vitamin E that has several important functions. One of its roles is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes from oxidative stress and free radical damage. This is good for maintaining healthy skin, eyes and it boosts the immune system. One hundred grams of lingonberry is packed with a stunning 1.5mg of vitamin E, which is half of the recommended daily intake.
Lingonberries are a great source of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting and helping the wounds heal properly. Another role vitamin K has for our body is to keep our bones healthy. These super berries are very rich in fiber and therefore helpful with digestion. They also may reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood and provide you with that full stomach feeling.
What Are Other Benefits Of Lingonberries?

Studies have found that lingonberry can decrease the amount of inflammation that is experienced by molecules, which is very important for people who are have heart problems. Lingonberry, the antioxidant berry, helps keep the nervous system in check, the glands and blood vessels safe from free radicals and it also works as an antibacterial solution that can keep blood sugar in balance.
Lingonberries can help people who want to lose weight a lot. Researches agree that lingonberries are a perfect addition to daily diets for people trying to reach a specific weight loss goal. Because these super berries can minimize inflammation and lower blood pressure, they also help people who are obese in dealing with health issues while trying to gain control over their weight.
Lingonberries can be used even after the weight loss goals have been achieved, to keep that weight off. With just a tablespoon of lingonberry powder added to your daily diet, you will fill your body with antioxidants and metabolism boosting properties.
How Can Lingonberries Be Used?

In most cases, lingonberries are cooked and sweetened. They are made into compotes, jam, smoothies or juice. They are often simply mashed with sugar because sugar preserves most of their nutrients, and their taste. Lingonberries are traditionally used for sweet and savory cooking; for instance, a traditional Finnish dish, sautéed reindeer, would not exist without lingonberries on the side. Also in Finland, a porridge made from lingonberries is a dish that is very popular.

You can still enjoy lingonberries without the stress of cooking them, adding sugar or ensuring their preservation because they come in powder form. Lingonberry powders are 100% pure, they have no added colorings and flavorings and they represent an easy way to add some vitamins, taste and color to all of your dishes and drinks. And, after you have read about all of the amazing benefits of this super fruit, we are sure that you will give this berry a chance and boost your immune system while you enjoy its unique taste.

Friday 23 September 2016

Cacao: the superfood for super memory

People normally consume cacao in many ways for its pleasant aroma and tasty flavor. Many of them use it as a lighter alternative to coffee, because of its lower caffeine content. Moreover, there’s a large amount of research suggesting that there are great health benefits of this exotic plant-powder consumption, including both mental ones, as well as physical ones. One of them is its considerable impact on memory, both for healthy people and for people with mild cognitive impairment

There’s a growing body of evidence that blood flow in the brain impacts our memory. It is quite logical: the more blood in the brain, the more oxygen for its cells and, consequently, the more energy for cognitive operations. Harvard neuroimaging study has shown that seniors who drank two cups of hot cacao a day for one month had better blood flow in the brain, especially in the parts associated with memory and cognition (e.g. the dentate gyrus). These study subjects did better on memory and thinking tests than the group who didn’t drink cacao. The authors of the study concluded that cacao may play an important role in preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, reversing the cognitive health.

An other study, which included subjects who already suffered from mild cognitive impairment (difficulty with memory, language, thinking, and/or judgement), had as the main variable the amounts of antioxidants in cacao, called flavonols. Namely, 90 elderly people drank a cacao drink that contained low, medium, or high levels of these antioxidants for eight weeks. The subjects who got medium or high amounts of flavonols showed considerably better results on mental skills tests, in comparison with the subjects who consumed low amounts of flavonols. These results suggest that flavonols could have an important impact on maintaining cognitive functions, besides cardiovascular system protecting effects, which were also shown in many studies.

The cacao bean contains more flavonols than, for example, green tea or blueberries. And there are so many sweet and creative ways you can consume it: as a hot drink, as an addition to your oatmeal, pudding, cakes, or in a form of dark chocolate. But be careful with the chocolate with high levels of sugar and fat – it could have a contra-effect on your cognitive, and other mental and physical functions in the body. Besides saving your thinking skills, cacao intake is a great way to balance your mood swings, prevent premature aging, diabetes, skin cancer, improve your metabolism, save your liver and pancreas function, get healthier skin and hair, as well as improve your overall happiness – not only for its tasty flavor, but also for anandamide, or so-called bliss molecule.

Sunday 18 September 2016

9 Perfect Protein Solutions for Vegans

If you are a vegan, it doesn't mean you can't find decent sources of protein and have a healthy diet. It does mean that you need to get a little creative in order to find suitable alternatives for the proteins that you would obtain through meat, fish and poultry. However, finding a perfect diet when you are a vegan is actually quite simple, since there are a lot of natural foods out there that can provide you with all the necessary protein to keep you both fit and healthy.

Check out these sources of protein that can help you repair, maintain and build lean muscle:


Peas are not only the best protein, but they are also rich in fiber and various minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin K and Vitamin C. If you want a solution that will offer you the most protein, then why not consider Some Good Organic Pea Protein Powder. With over 80% protein, it a seriously good option!


Cereals rich with extra proteins from whole grains are not only healthy, but they are also very tasty. Make your favourite oatmeal for breakfast, enrich it with some fresh fruits and you will start each day with a smile on your face.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are great protein sources. The best part about them is that you can either eat them raw or chop them up and use them as toppings on your oatmeal or salads. Not only are they rich in protein, but they also provide a number of necessary vitamins. So lose the potato chips and choose some natural nuts and seeds that will give you your protein boost.

You can choose from pistachios, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans and pine nuts. As far as seeds go, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and sesame seeds are the ones that offer the most protein.


Not only are beans low-fat, but they are seriously accessible and affordable sources of protein. You can choose from kidney beans, white beans, black beans, garbanzo beans and pinto beans for the most protein.


Lentils are also a perfect source of protein and they are great in soups, but don’t lack the tastiness as a side dish as well. Lentils are even more packed with protein than beans, so make sure you include them in your diet.

Tofu and Tempeh

Tofu is made by curding soymilk made from the mighty soybean. It is high in protein and low in fat, and a staple componenet in most vegan diets. 


Broccoli is a favourite leafy green of many vegans, and for a good reason. Apart from being absolutely packed with protein, it is very tasty and you can either enjoy it as a side dish or add it to a salad of your choice.


Quinoa is yet another great plant-based source of protein that can enrich your vegan diet. Try swapping rice with this grain crop and you will certainly feel fuller longer.

Give an avacado a go today ... they contain plenty of protein and loads of essential fats, such as Omega-3.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Everything You Need to Know About the Right Lingonberry Dosage

Given the fact that people have discovered the amazing benefits of Lingonberry supplements, many of them have rushed to get some for themselves. This has raised many questions concerning the right dosage? This is important to know with any supplement, and Lingonberry is no different.
In case you are having similar questions, here are a couple of things you must learn first. Not all products made from these Scandinavian berries are the same, and not all people have the knowledge to tell you what the right dosage is. Lingonberry supplements are not dangerous, but there can be side effects if you take too much of them.
So, how can you know what the right dosage is?

Who can advise you about Lingonberry dosage?

Let’s make something clear right away. You should never believe what you read online when it comes to dosages about anything. It doesn’t matter that Lingonberries are quite harmless; you still need to be careful with what you do. Make sure to consult your nutritionist or doctor before you take these supplements to make sure that you are not allergic to anything in them.
The average dosage for this supplement can go from two to three tablespoons, and although there are a lot of “online experts” who claim they know what the right dosage is, you should meet with your doctor in person and discus this. Start with the smallest dosage and gradually increase; this is the safest way.

Consequences of taking too much Lingonberries 

In case you have taken a great dosage of Lingonberry supplements, chances are that nothing will happen and that you will be just fine, given the fact that there is nothing toxic or dangerous within them. Currently, there are no familiar side effects that can happen when taking too much of pure Lingonberry supplements. But still, the human body can have a negative reaction to pretty much any substance, if the consumer takes too much of it.
Like with most foods, having too much Lingonberry can cause stomach issues or even diarrhea with people who have a sensitive digestive system. Consuming too much Lingonberry can be harmful as much as consuming too much apples, meaning that there is nothing really dangerous about them. However, this doesn’t mean that you should always take too much and consume them recklessly.

The difference between Lingonberry supplements

There are Lingonberry supplements which are not pure. One of the important things you must know before determining the right dosage is that you are in fact taking a product which is pure Lingonberry. For all other Lingonberry products that contain additives or fillers, you must make sure to take the necessary precautions.
There are Lingonberry products that contain added caffeine or various sugars that can cause great side effects to users if consumed too much. There are many bad sides of consuming too much sugar, and you should avoid doing this just like you would avoid eating too much candy.
On the other hand, there are hardly any side effects to consuming pure Lingonberry products, unless of course you are allergic. This is why I suggest that you always go for pure supplements, just to be safe.

Excessive dosages won’t enhance the benefits 

One of the reasons why many people consume Lingonberry products is because they have great health benefits. Still, due to their frustration, a lot of people take excessive dosages thinking that it will help them regulate their heart disease issues in a better way. This is not true, as it has been scientifically proven that you get the most out of them only if you take doses between one or two tablespoons on a regular basis, and as a supplement to your regular meals.
If you take excessive doses, your body won’t be able to digest all the supplements in a timely manner, and it won’t have any effects. For example, Lingonberries can help you lose weight, but if you take too much of them each day, you will just cause stomach issues and you won’t lose weight any quicker.

It is also important to know that Lingonberry products are not addictive and that they can be found in energy drinks, desserts and many other things. If you consume Lingonberries properly, there will be no side effects.

Lingonberry vs. Acai Berry: 4 Proven Scientific Health Benefits

Any food rich in antioxidants can keep you healthy, and if you are sick, bring you back to good health. Berries certainly fit in this category and perhaps the two trendiest berries at the moment, with major health benefits, are the lingonberry and the acai berry. Berries are full of valuable anti-inflammatory nutrients like proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, procyanidins, protocatechuic acid and epicatechin, together with vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, and Lingonberry and Acai berry are no exception.
Studies have shown that lingonberry and acai berry are richer in protective antioxidants than raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries and the goji berry. They are believed to increase energy, control appetite hormones, prevent heart disease and help with metabolic functions. Read on to find out some more health benefits of these two super tasty superfoods.
Acai Berry Improves the Health of the Skin
Acai berry is good for preventing early signs of aging and it helps the skin regenerate. People have been using antioxidant-rich herbal and food treatments for a very long time, and this includes acai, both internally and topically, to prevent skin degradation and give it a healthier look.
People who develop high levels of oxidative stress can notice some changes on their skin. Wrinkles, dark spots, discoloration, sagginess and fine lines are all tied to the free radical damage to the skin. Many people are using acai berry to get rid of scars, crow’s feet, stretch marks, and dry skin.
Lingonberry Helps With Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberries are cousins of the lingonberry, so to speak, and they have a well-earned reputation for their ability to protect against urinary tract infections. This is because cranberries have flavonoid compounds called proanthocyanidins and eating cranberries or drinking cranberry juice can inhibit the bacteria which causes urinary tract infections.
Lingonberries are only one of the few natural sources of proanthocyanidins and it is believed that they have the same effect with infections like cranberries. Researchers have found that, if you regularly drink lingonberry and cranberry juice, you will reduce the incidence of urinary tract infection.
They Are Both Helpful In Controlling Appetite and With Weight Loss
Experts believe that both lingonberry and acai berry have appetite-suppressing abilities due to its effect on hormones that control feelings of hunger, blood sugar, satiety, and fullness. It helps in improving metabolic functions which enable the body to work better when absorbing nutrients, eliminating waste, breaking down foods and regulating the release of insulin.
Some researches even suggests that, by controlling the amount of insulin in the blood and helping boost proper digestion, lingonberry and acai are beneficial when it comes to curbing cravings and can be a great part of a healthy weight loss plan. Acai facilities with the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats and lowers the desire to overeat, which is a good way to maintain your body at a healthy body weight.
They Are Both Protecting Against Heart Disease and Diabetes

Even though lingonberry and acai berry are known for their antioxidants, they are also considered to be anti-inflammatory food, because they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, together with dietary fiber and phytosterols that are good for cardiovascular health. If you regularly drink lingonberry and acai juice, it will have positive effects on your blood lipid levels and can protect your heart.
Consuming lingonberry and acai berries can be helpful in lowering inflammation, which is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease and other hormone-related problems like type 2 diabetes. Acai berry is rich in monounsaturated fats like oleic acid, which is also found in extra virgin olive oil, and it helps the body use omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen cell membranes and lower inflammation.
These were just some of the numerous health benefits lingonberry and acai berry can have, and if you are worried if there are any risks you should be aware of, do not be. Both of these berries are safe to consume, as long as you are not allergic to the fruit and have sensitivities to other berries.

Even though they both have numerous health benefits, lingonberry seems to be overtaking the market and becoming a new superfood you need to incorporate in your diet. When you are looking to purchase lingonberries and acai berries, look for high quality products that are pure, so that you can avoid consuming fillers and other ingredients, like high amounts of caffeine.

Thursday 15 September 2016

4 Ways to Naturally Recover During a Busy Week

A tight schedule is something that can easily wash you out, and considering the lifestyle of a modern man, that might not be as rare of an occurrence as you think. Somehow, the laws of physics seem to bend and 24 hours became shorter, as the pile of tasks grows bigger and bigger. Juggling your partner, kids, work, friends and going to the gym can be exhausting.

After increased psychological stress or tough workouts, your body needs extra nutrients to repair itself, so that you can spring out of bed each morning. Lately there have been more people who turn to natural products that can help them replenish their energy and be able to perform better in all their roles during the day.
This is why we have put together this list of products that can help you naturally recover during a busy week.


Lingonberries are also known as cow berries and fox berries. They have been used for ages, especially in the Scandinavian region. The medicinal properties of lingonberries are attributed to a wide range of beneficial compounds found in them.They were traditionally used as a natural cure for pain and inflammation, and they can still be used for these purposes. If your job requires you to sit a lot, these super berries can help you with back or neck pain. Lingonberries can also be consumed after a hard workout at the gym, to ease the muscle ache that comes the next day. This is because they contain a high concentration of a flavonoid called Quercetin, that has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
They can be used as an addition to any meal. The healthiest ones are dried, with no added sugars or any kind of preservative. But, you can also try making some of the traditional recipes.

Pea Protein

Pea protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids, which make it an excellent veggie protein source. If you are visiting the gym on a regular basis, pea protein will ensure that if you visit the gym regularly, pea protein will ensure you have enough protein to build and repair muscle. Because it doesn’t contain glutens or lactose, it is very digestible. This means that you can consume it during lunch hours while you are at work, without any fear of bloating. One of benefits you may experience if you start taking pea protein is fat shedding. Consuming pea protein lowers ghrelin levels, a substance responsible for signaling the brain to stimulate hunger. 


Moringa is a rising star in the superfoods category. It has tissue-protective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Every part of this herb is edible, but only leaf powder is used for medicinal purposes.
Recently it was tested as treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The results were promising and this confirms that Moringa supports brain health and cognitive functions. It helps the brain stay in homeostasis by normalizing levels of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, which tend to spike during a busy week, especially if there is stress involved.
Moringa leaf powder can be added to your favourite morning drink. It can be used every day, even in larger doses than normal, because there were not registered side effects. But keep in mind that moringa seed extracts are something you have to avoid, because it harms the white blood cells.

Cacao, or literally “The Food of Gods” in Aztec language, is a powerful superfood that originated in the foothills of the Andes. The fruits of cocoa tree have some incredible benefits for human health. Today it is spread around the globe and the most usual forms you can find it in are raw cacao, cacao nibs, dark chocolate and cacao powder.
Raw cocoa is rich with antioxidants. Scientist have found that cocoa has the highest concentration of antioxidants than any other food known to man. For instance, it has 15 times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. It also has a high concentration of magnesium and iron.
The benefits of using raw cacao are many. Flavonol found in cocoa is an anti-inflammatory and heart protective antioxidant that reduces the risk of stroke and improve blood circulation. On top of that, you will feel happier with anandamide, also known as the bliss molecule, which is found in raw cocoa.
You can consume it as hot chocolate by adding water and sweetening it with honey. Or add it to your morning power smoothie. Cacao is great for starting a day, or you can take it when you need just a little bit more energy to finish a task. 

All of these products are100% natural. Make use of what nature has given us and feel energized and ready to overcome any challenge.