Tuesday 27 September 2016

Lingonberry, the New Super Fruit

Lingonberry or Vaccinium vitis-idaea, is a very popular berry in Scandinavia, Finland and Russia. This type of berry is known by many different names all around the world, like foxberry, cougar berry, mountain cranberry, cowberry an even beaverberry. This is one amazing super berry that has a long list of health benefits and a very unique taste to match.
The lingonberry is a short evergreen shrub that holds edible fruit, native to boreal forests, the Arctic tundra, and the Northern Hemisphere. These berries are picked in the wild and are a part of a variety of dishes in Scandinavian cuisine.
What Is In Those Lingonberries?

Lingonberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, several types of vitamin B and minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. As you might be aware, adults need 40mg of vitamin C every day, and 100g of lingonberries contain over 10mg of vitamin C, which makes them a great source for reaching your daily dose.
Lingonberries are also packed with the important folic acid which has several significant functions in the body; for instance, working together with vitamin B12 in forming healthy red blood cells and reducing the risk of central nervous system defects with unborn babies.
This new super fruit is also rich in vitamin E that has several important functions. One of its roles is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes from oxidative stress and free radical damage. This is good for maintaining healthy skin, eyes and it boosts the immune system. One hundred grams of lingonberry is packed with a stunning 1.5mg of vitamin E, which is half of the recommended daily intake.
Lingonberries are a great source of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting and helping the wounds heal properly. Another role vitamin K has for our body is to keep our bones healthy. These super berries are very rich in fiber and therefore helpful with digestion. They also may reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood and provide you with that full stomach feeling.
What Are Other Benefits Of Lingonberries?

Studies have found that lingonberry can decrease the amount of inflammation that is experienced by molecules, which is very important for people who are have heart problems. Lingonberry, the antioxidant berry, helps keep the nervous system in check, the glands and blood vessels safe from free radicals and it also works as an antibacterial solution that can keep blood sugar in balance.
Lingonberries can help people who want to lose weight a lot. Researches agree that lingonberries are a perfect addition to daily diets for people trying to reach a specific weight loss goal. Because these super berries can minimize inflammation and lower blood pressure, they also help people who are obese in dealing with health issues while trying to gain control over their weight.
Lingonberries can be used even after the weight loss goals have been achieved, to keep that weight off. With just a tablespoon of lingonberry powder added to your daily diet, you will fill your body with antioxidants and metabolism boosting properties.
How Can Lingonberries Be Used?

In most cases, lingonberries are cooked and sweetened. They are made into compotes, jam, smoothies or juice. They are often simply mashed with sugar because sugar preserves most of their nutrients, and their taste. Lingonberries are traditionally used for sweet and savory cooking; for instance, a traditional Finnish dish, sautéed reindeer, would not exist without lingonberries on the side. Also in Finland, a porridge made from lingonberries is a dish that is very popular.

You can still enjoy lingonberries without the stress of cooking them, adding sugar or ensuring their preservation because they come in powder form. Lingonberry powders are 100% pure, they have no added colorings and flavorings and they represent an easy way to add some vitamins, taste and color to all of your dishes and drinks. And, after you have read about all of the amazing benefits of this super fruit, we are sure that you will give this berry a chance and boost your immune system while you enjoy its unique taste.

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