Sunday 18 September 2016

9 Perfect Protein Solutions for Vegans

If you are a vegan, it doesn't mean you can't find decent sources of protein and have a healthy diet. It does mean that you need to get a little creative in order to find suitable alternatives for the proteins that you would obtain through meat, fish and poultry. However, finding a perfect diet when you are a vegan is actually quite simple, since there are a lot of natural foods out there that can provide you with all the necessary protein to keep you both fit and healthy.

Check out these sources of protein that can help you repair, maintain and build lean muscle:


Peas are not only the best protein, but they are also rich in fiber and various minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin K and Vitamin C. If you want a solution that will offer you the most protein, then why not consider Some Good Organic Pea Protein Powder. With over 80% protein, it a seriously good option!


Cereals rich with extra proteins from whole grains are not only healthy, but they are also very tasty. Make your favourite oatmeal for breakfast, enrich it with some fresh fruits and you will start each day with a smile on your face.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are great protein sources. The best part about them is that you can either eat them raw or chop them up and use them as toppings on your oatmeal or salads. Not only are they rich in protein, but they also provide a number of necessary vitamins. So lose the potato chips and choose some natural nuts and seeds that will give you your protein boost.

You can choose from pistachios, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans and pine nuts. As far as seeds go, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and sesame seeds are the ones that offer the most protein.


Not only are beans low-fat, but they are seriously accessible and affordable sources of protein. You can choose from kidney beans, white beans, black beans, garbanzo beans and pinto beans for the most protein.


Lentils are also a perfect source of protein and they are great in soups, but don’t lack the tastiness as a side dish as well. Lentils are even more packed with protein than beans, so make sure you include them in your diet.

Tofu and Tempeh

Tofu is made by curding soymilk made from the mighty soybean. It is high in protein and low in fat, and a staple componenet in most vegan diets. 


Broccoli is a favourite leafy green of many vegans, and for a good reason. Apart from being absolutely packed with protein, it is very tasty and you can either enjoy it as a side dish or add it to a salad of your choice.


Quinoa is yet another great plant-based source of protein that can enrich your vegan diet. Try swapping rice with this grain crop and you will certainly feel fuller longer.

Give an avacado a go today ... they contain plenty of protein and loads of essential fats, such as Omega-3.

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