Wednesday 14 September 2016

Pretty From Within: Ingestible Beauty Powders and All of Their Benefits

Luckily for us ladies (and a number of well-groomed gentlemen as well), the concept of beauty supplements has been trending for a couple of years now, with more and more variants of the same nourishing delight available on the market. So far, these health & beauty combos have been packed in ingestible pills and chewable vitamins, but as our allurement routines become more refined with every year, the niche is quick to follow. With beauty powders, our good looks finally come from the inside.
The All-In-One Package for Beauty and Revitalization
Packed with much-needed nutrients and made effortless to include to our daily beautifying regimes (you can simply stir a dose with your favourite smoothie and drink up!), beauty powders seem the most potent cocktails of their sort.
Designed to make us prettier on the outside, they basically heal everything from annoying skin blemishes to weak and choppy hair ends, but that’s not where their list of benefits concludes. Everything begins below the surface, and that’s exactly where beauty powders do their magic – by balancing our metabolism, increasing collagen, renewing cell production and nourishing our very core, these gentle, yet omnipotent products provenly deliver a whole package of beauty, wellness and self-care.
Are They Really So Marvellous?

Straight from those who have tried it, the words of praise dedicated to this beauty supplement mention an envious number of both beauty and health benefits. Beside doing wonders for our metabolism, and since everything is interconnected, beauty powders are said to calm the nerves, firm tissue, boost nutritional profile, help digestion, encourage detoxification and eliminate inflammation, thus promising healthier, stronger and more beautiful skin, hair and nails.
Although notoriously sceptical, beauty experts approve: "Some powders contain high doses of nutrients, antioxidants, and probiotics," says Jessica Weiser MD, a dermatologist at the New York Dermatology Group, concluding that for those with little time for healthy cooking, beauty powders can deliver a fine alternative. And, since these products are in fact designed as supplements to regular nutrition, just imagine benefiting from both!
Lingonberries Are Trending!
While sceptics debate, some of our favourite bloggers from the online galaxy of fashion and natural beauty continue to spread the word of the detoxifying marvel that the beauty powder is. It’s been a couple of months since Lacey Fuller discovered the supplement’s effect; in April, the influencer recommended the Lingonberry Powder, urging the rest of the girls to try it out.
As a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, lingonberries have been linked with weight loss, oral health and cancer protection for centuries, and is now finally recognized as a superfood. Transformed into a powder and refined with other, equally beneficial ingredients, these little helpers from the berry world help replenish, rebuild and recover the skin, hence keeping it young, firm and infection-free.
A Source of Vitamins and Minerals for the Whole Body

Apart from lingonberries, our top choice beauty powders are packed with vitamins and minerals obtained from other berries from the family, most commonly goji sort, and refined with ellagic acid that reduces collagen breakdown and prevents inflammation in skin cells. In addition to the much-needed natural collagen infusion, beauty powders also provide a dose of hyaluronic acid responsible for hydration and moisture retention, then lutein, a main source of nutritional support for all of our eye bag problems, all the while protecting our skin from cancer and sun damage with selenium and accelerating cell growth with a drop of coenzyme Q10. The elixir of beauty, indeed.

Whatever the unique recipe of your chosen beauty powder, that clear, glowing complexion you’ve been dreaming about your whole girlhood is pretty achievable, usually at a much smaller price, in comparison to that of your entire makeup set. The only additional thing you’ll need once you start leaving the house with no foundation at all is a smoothie glass and a beaming smile.

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