Thursday 15 September 2016

4 Ways to Naturally Recover During a Busy Week

A tight schedule is something that can easily wash you out, and considering the lifestyle of a modern man, that might not be as rare of an occurrence as you think. Somehow, the laws of physics seem to bend and 24 hours became shorter, as the pile of tasks grows bigger and bigger. Juggling your partner, kids, work, friends and going to the gym can be exhausting.

After increased psychological stress or tough workouts, your body needs extra nutrients to repair itself, so that you can spring out of bed each morning. Lately there have been more people who turn to natural products that can help them replenish their energy and be able to perform better in all their roles during the day.
This is why we have put together this list of products that can help you naturally recover during a busy week.


Lingonberries are also known as cow berries and fox berries. They have been used for ages, especially in the Scandinavian region. The medicinal properties of lingonberries are attributed to a wide range of beneficial compounds found in them.They were traditionally used as a natural cure for pain and inflammation, and they can still be used for these purposes. If your job requires you to sit a lot, these super berries can help you with back or neck pain. Lingonberries can also be consumed after a hard workout at the gym, to ease the muscle ache that comes the next day. This is because they contain a high concentration of a flavonoid called Quercetin, that has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
They can be used as an addition to any meal. The healthiest ones are dried, with no added sugars or any kind of preservative. But, you can also try making some of the traditional recipes.

Pea Protein

Pea protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids, which make it an excellent veggie protein source. If you are visiting the gym on a regular basis, pea protein will ensure that if you visit the gym regularly, pea protein will ensure you have enough protein to build and repair muscle. Because it doesn’t contain glutens or lactose, it is very digestible. This means that you can consume it during lunch hours while you are at work, without any fear of bloating. One of benefits you may experience if you start taking pea protein is fat shedding. Consuming pea protein lowers ghrelin levels, a substance responsible for signaling the brain to stimulate hunger. 


Moringa is a rising star in the superfoods category. It has tissue-protective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Every part of this herb is edible, but only leaf powder is used for medicinal purposes.
Recently it was tested as treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The results were promising and this confirms that Moringa supports brain health and cognitive functions. It helps the brain stay in homeostasis by normalizing levels of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, which tend to spike during a busy week, especially if there is stress involved.
Moringa leaf powder can be added to your favourite morning drink. It can be used every day, even in larger doses than normal, because there were not registered side effects. But keep in mind that moringa seed extracts are something you have to avoid, because it harms the white blood cells.

Cacao, or literally “The Food of Gods” in Aztec language, is a powerful superfood that originated in the foothills of the Andes. The fruits of cocoa tree have some incredible benefits for human health. Today it is spread around the globe and the most usual forms you can find it in are raw cacao, cacao nibs, dark chocolate and cacao powder.
Raw cocoa is rich with antioxidants. Scientist have found that cocoa has the highest concentration of antioxidants than any other food known to man. For instance, it has 15 times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. It also has a high concentration of magnesium and iron.
The benefits of using raw cacao are many. Flavonol found in cocoa is an anti-inflammatory and heart protective antioxidant that reduces the risk of stroke and improve blood circulation. On top of that, you will feel happier with anandamide, also known as the bliss molecule, which is found in raw cocoa.
You can consume it as hot chocolate by adding water and sweetening it with honey. Or add it to your morning power smoothie. Cacao is great for starting a day, or you can take it when you need just a little bit more energy to finish a task. 

All of these products are100% natural. Make use of what nature has given us and feel energized and ready to overcome any challenge.

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