Saturday 17 September 2016

Lingonberry vs. Acai Berry: 4 Proven Scientific Health Benefits

Any food rich in antioxidants can keep you healthy, and if you are sick, bring you back to good health. Berries certainly fit in this category and perhaps the two trendiest berries at the moment, with major health benefits, are the lingonberry and the acai berry. Berries are full of valuable anti-inflammatory nutrients like proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, procyanidins, protocatechuic acid and epicatechin, together with vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, and Lingonberry and Acai berry are no exception.
Studies have shown that lingonberry and acai berry are richer in protective antioxidants than raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries and the goji berry. They are believed to increase energy, control appetite hormones, prevent heart disease and help with metabolic functions. Read on to find out some more health benefits of these two super tasty superfoods.
Acai Berry Improves the Health of the Skin
Acai berry is good for preventing early signs of aging and it helps the skin regenerate. People have been using antioxidant-rich herbal and food treatments for a very long time, and this includes acai, both internally and topically, to prevent skin degradation and give it a healthier look.
People who develop high levels of oxidative stress can notice some changes on their skin. Wrinkles, dark spots, discoloration, sagginess and fine lines are all tied to the free radical damage to the skin. Many people are using acai berry to get rid of scars, crow’s feet, stretch marks, and dry skin.
Lingonberry Helps With Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberries are cousins of the lingonberry, so to speak, and they have a well-earned reputation for their ability to protect against urinary tract infections. This is because cranberries have flavonoid compounds called proanthocyanidins and eating cranberries or drinking cranberry juice can inhibit the bacteria which causes urinary tract infections.
Lingonberries are only one of the few natural sources of proanthocyanidins and it is believed that they have the same effect with infections like cranberries. Researchers have found that, if you regularly drink lingonberry and cranberry juice, you will reduce the incidence of urinary tract infection.
They Are Both Helpful In Controlling Appetite and With Weight Loss
Experts believe that both lingonberry and acai berry have appetite-suppressing abilities due to its effect on hormones that control feelings of hunger, blood sugar, satiety, and fullness. It helps in improving metabolic functions which enable the body to work better when absorbing nutrients, eliminating waste, breaking down foods and regulating the release of insulin.
Some researches even suggests that, by controlling the amount of insulin in the blood and helping boost proper digestion, lingonberry and acai are beneficial when it comes to curbing cravings and can be a great part of a healthy weight loss plan. Acai facilities with the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats and lowers the desire to overeat, which is a good way to maintain your body at a healthy body weight.
They Are Both Protecting Against Heart Disease and Diabetes

Even though lingonberry and acai berry are known for their antioxidants, they are also considered to be anti-inflammatory food, because they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, together with dietary fiber and phytosterols that are good for cardiovascular health. If you regularly drink lingonberry and acai juice, it will have positive effects on your blood lipid levels and can protect your heart.
Consuming lingonberry and acai berries can be helpful in lowering inflammation, which is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease and other hormone-related problems like type 2 diabetes. Acai berry is rich in monounsaturated fats like oleic acid, which is also found in extra virgin olive oil, and it helps the body use omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen cell membranes and lower inflammation.
These were just some of the numerous health benefits lingonberry and acai berry can have, and if you are worried if there are any risks you should be aware of, do not be. Both of these berries are safe to consume, as long as you are not allergic to the fruit and have sensitivities to other berries.

Even though they both have numerous health benefits, lingonberry seems to be overtaking the market and becoming a new superfood you need to incorporate in your diet. When you are looking to purchase lingonberries and acai berries, look for high quality products that are pure, so that you can avoid consuming fillers and other ingredients, like high amounts of caffeine.

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