Saturday 17 September 2016

Everything You Need to Know About the Right Lingonberry Dosage

Given the fact that people have discovered the amazing benefits of Lingonberry supplements, many of them have rushed to get some for themselves. This has raised many questions concerning the right dosage? This is important to know with any supplement, and Lingonberry is no different.
In case you are having similar questions, here are a couple of things you must learn first. Not all products made from these Scandinavian berries are the same, and not all people have the knowledge to tell you what the right dosage is. Lingonberry supplements are not dangerous, but there can be side effects if you take too much of them.
So, how can you know what the right dosage is?

Who can advise you about Lingonberry dosage?

Let’s make something clear right away. You should never believe what you read online when it comes to dosages about anything. It doesn’t matter that Lingonberries are quite harmless; you still need to be careful with what you do. Make sure to consult your nutritionist or doctor before you take these supplements to make sure that you are not allergic to anything in them.
The average dosage for this supplement can go from two to three tablespoons, and although there are a lot of “online experts” who claim they know what the right dosage is, you should meet with your doctor in person and discus this. Start with the smallest dosage and gradually increase; this is the safest way.

Consequences of taking too much Lingonberries 

In case you have taken a great dosage of Lingonberry supplements, chances are that nothing will happen and that you will be just fine, given the fact that there is nothing toxic or dangerous within them. Currently, there are no familiar side effects that can happen when taking too much of pure Lingonberry supplements. But still, the human body can have a negative reaction to pretty much any substance, if the consumer takes too much of it.
Like with most foods, having too much Lingonberry can cause stomach issues or even diarrhea with people who have a sensitive digestive system. Consuming too much Lingonberry can be harmful as much as consuming too much apples, meaning that there is nothing really dangerous about them. However, this doesn’t mean that you should always take too much and consume them recklessly.

The difference between Lingonberry supplements

There are Lingonberry supplements which are not pure. One of the important things you must know before determining the right dosage is that you are in fact taking a product which is pure Lingonberry. For all other Lingonberry products that contain additives or fillers, you must make sure to take the necessary precautions.
There are Lingonberry products that contain added caffeine or various sugars that can cause great side effects to users if consumed too much. There are many bad sides of consuming too much sugar, and you should avoid doing this just like you would avoid eating too much candy.
On the other hand, there are hardly any side effects to consuming pure Lingonberry products, unless of course you are allergic. This is why I suggest that you always go for pure supplements, just to be safe.

Excessive dosages won’t enhance the benefits 

One of the reasons why many people consume Lingonberry products is because they have great health benefits. Still, due to their frustration, a lot of people take excessive dosages thinking that it will help them regulate their heart disease issues in a better way. This is not true, as it has been scientifically proven that you get the most out of them only if you take doses between one or two tablespoons on a regular basis, and as a supplement to your regular meals.
If you take excessive doses, your body won’t be able to digest all the supplements in a timely manner, and it won’t have any effects. For example, Lingonberries can help you lose weight, but if you take too much of them each day, you will just cause stomach issues and you won’t lose weight any quicker.

It is also important to know that Lingonberry products are not addictive and that they can be found in energy drinks, desserts and many other things. If you consume Lingonberries properly, there will be no side effects.

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